Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Student Life Activity

I went to Mass on Sunday, October 30th at 7 pm in the Chapel. In complete honesty it was the first time I had gone to mass since I moved to school. The reason I had gone was because I had been feeling really down, more specifically lonely. Before coming to college I was in a relationship for about a year and it ended a month before school started. I was going through a really rough time, and I began to lose myself as a person. I questioned myself and my faith a lot. I wondered why someone would let me go so easily after giving them everything, I always thought if you gave your all you would get the same in return and I felt cheated of that. I finally told my mom how I had truly been feeling and she suggested going to mass. That same week I decided to start a journal, writing in it how I felt during the week and what I expected to get out of mass. During the actual mass the priest talked about forgiveness. Stating that "through forgiveness comes peace. Because we forgive those who have trespassed against us". I truly felt that the message behind the mass was directed towards me. For the first time in a long time I got a sign from god, and I felt like I was going to be okay. I just needed to forgive what this person had done to me to finally forget about what happened. Going to mass really helped me and I have been going every Sunday since then. I even decided to start my confirmation classes next semester and actively participate with activities in the Spirituality center. Everyone their has been so welcoming and loving. It makes being away from home so much easier. I would highly recommend mass to everyone.

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